Friday, October 19, 2012

I Didn't Want to Post Today, But...this is for Jas

I feel like a character from an artsy film.  I am deadlocked in the cheesy scene wherein the protagonist is featured sitting still at a cafe/airport/park bench looking sophisticatedly forlorn.  In the background, the sun will rise and set, the clouds will trapeze across the sky, and the busy crowds in the frame will be teeming by at warp speed.

Like most nonsensical decisions and burdens I take upon myself, I have decided to read, edit, rewrite, rearrange and restructure every single entry in this blog. It seemed easy in my head.  Then again, after almost thirty six years on this planet, I should have known better than trusting that wasteland known as my grey matter.  In reality, it was an unenviable, daunting task. 

My aim was to submit my manuscript online so I could self-publish it by Friday. It's not going to happen. I'm so exhausted, I'll keel over if a falling leaf lands on me.  Words are swimming before my eyes, and I'm feeling dizzy from scrolling up and down my document. I'm rather talented that way. I also feel loopy if I sit backwards on a moving vehicle or do two quick spins in succession.  

My concentration is shot and every time I try to upload something I get error messages, my five year old, Lanes comes up with a situation that requires my urgent attention, or my spouse P starts grumbling while fighting with an inanimate object. He just lost a battle with an electric shaver.  I think I could write a country music song about this! To say I'm feeling frustrated, is putting it mildly.

I have uncharacteristically ignored Facebook, e-mail, phone calls. I was really on a mission and for the first time in my life, I wasn't easily distracted.  I'm usually easy to sidetrack. Dangle éclairs, the TV remote control or nail polish in front of me and I'll be taking a break in no time.

Lanes has found my behavior to be rather disturbing. Usually, meal time, particularly dinner, comes with a huge song and dance.  I stop short of throwing myself on the ground screaming to get her to focus and eat her food.  Since I started with the book proceedings, I place the food in front of her and leave it that. Her mouth was agape when she found that along with her side dishes of brocolli and carrots, the usual drama from her mamma was missing. At least that was progress because most of the time, I can’t even get her to open her mouth for food.

As such, she has tried to appeal to my anal retentive nature and has taken great lengths to empty the contents of her room into the living room.  She has also taken to jumping and swinging from couch to couch.  Thanks to my furniture loving spouse, P's, recent purchase of yet another sofa, she is having more fun bouncing around the apartment than Tarzan in a pre-global warming forest.

Surprisingly for me, I didn't bat an eyelid. I let her father deal with it, and both parties survived. Why didn't I figure this out earlier? All that micromanaging all these years gone to waste! I even neglected the blog and for the first time, I debated skipping posting this week. As usual, I logged on to say that I'll not be posting due to technical difficulties but then one word became two and there you go.

My parental units are probably landing in Vancouver as I type this. Last time they visited, Lanes and I were waiting to jump at them at the airport, but I noticed a Japadog (a popular street food in stand in front of the premises. I had heard grand stories about them so I was dying to try one. P was scanning the arrivals and I handed our offspring off to him and ran to the stand.

As I was saying, I get distracted easily, and I was hoping to grab a hotdog before my parents got out of customs. Next thing you know, I see my parents, Lanes and P coming out of the airport looking rather confused. I was busted! I tried to make something up, like I went out to check on the car, but it didn’t work.

P was appalled and my parents were stunned but not surprised. On account of my dad's health, my parents get wheel chair service at the airport and they were telling the people carting them around all about their daughter. They were waiting to 'show me off' and they were highly bewildered to find only their grandchild and son-in-law waiting for them.

P and my dad were chastising me and my mom started to, but she became intrigued by the cart and then I was sent back to the line to procure one for her as well—I was unwilling to relinquish my one. So all's well that ends well.  All I know is I was asked to refrain from culinary detours this time.

With that I should sign off. There is food to be made and carpets to be vacuumed. Let's hope I make it to the kitchen before I spot a taco stand outside our apartment. Funnier musings from BC next week...


  1. Awesome blog Sanji, I don't believe how exhausted you were when you wrote it! Hope you've been able to catch up on some sleep :)

  2. Slow and steady, my dear. Good outcomes are inevitable: I promise. Don't give yourself a coronary - and, yes, get some sleep. No shame in stepping out, when you can, to smell the roses (or the hot dogs, even). Patience and moderation keep you stable, and almost more importantly, keep you ALIVE.


What say you?